
Dermot Smyth Declares Candidacy for District 30 Seat

By Mohamed Farghaly |

Dermot Smyth, an advocate for education and community empowerment, contends in the upcoming district 30 election.

Dermot Smyth, a passionate advocate for education and community empowerment, emerges as a formidable contender in the upcoming district 30 election for Council Member Robert Holden’s seat.

With a robust background in education policy and a deep- seated commitment to improving local schools, Smyth’s campaign resonates with voters seeking substantial reforms in the education sector. 

Smyth, a Democrat and newcomer to the political arena, emerges with a unique blend of experience and a deep-rooted commitment to community service. Born to Irish immigrant parents who sought a better life in America, Smyth was inspired by their spirit of hard work and determination. 

His father’s journey to citizenship resonates strongly with him, shaping his belief in the importance of inclusive policies and opportunities for all. Currently residing in Middle Village, Smyth has been an integral part of the district for three decades, deeply embedded in its fabric long before his political aspirations took flight. Smyth, a dedicated father, has two children: a 30-year-old daughter and a 17-year-old son. 

Smyth’s professional journey is equally diverse. Starting as a janitor, Smyth witnessed firsthand the challenges and triumphs of local schools in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Initially trained as a teacher with a degree in history from Queens College, he found his calling in education, passionately shaping young minds for years. His tenure as an educator instilled in him a profound understanding of the challenges facing both students and teachers, fueling his drive for educational reform. 

In a roundtable with the Queens Ledger, Smyth emphasized the critical role of public schools in shaping the community fabric. 

“Education is extremely, extremely important to me,” Smyth said. “I’ve been a teacher, I’ve worked in the education space for 25 years now. Education is my number one priority because our kids matter.” 

Transitioning into the political sphere, Smyth honed his advocacy skills at his current position with the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) as Political Coordinator, where he tirelessly fights for better resources and support for educators. His grassroots approach and firsthand knowledge of educational issues distinguish him from other candidates, underlining his commitment to improving educational standards and opportunities for every child.

Smyth’s diverse experience and deep ties to the community underscore his platform for inclusive policies and community development.

Smyth’s stance on education policy is nuanced, reflecting a broad understanding of the challenges facing both public and charter schools. He acknowledges the achievements of charter schools but is wary of their potential impact on traditional public schools, especially those in underserved communities. 

Smyth’s primary focus remains on education, aiming to overhaul curriculum standards, enhance teacher training, and expand access to technology in schools. Additionally, he plans to champion small businesses, advocating for policies that support local entrepreneurs and stimulate economic growth within the district. 

Central to Smyth’s platform is his support for community schools, a model he believes can bridge educational gaps and serve as community hubs beyond school hours. His endorsement of community schools aligns with his vision of community development, where schools play a pivotal role in neighborhood cohesion and support. 

Beyond education, Smyth is vocal on various community issues, including housing affordability and neighborhood preservation. He highlights the plight of residents forced to move further away due to rising costs, advocating for policies that enable families to stay rooted in their communities. 

“The issues here actually carry over across the city,” Smyth said. “Affordability in neighborhoods is everywhere, and it’s overcrowded. There’s school overcrowding. These are issues that have to be addressed, and I’m looking forward to working with community leaders and elected officials and the city administration to make sure all of these issues are addressed.” 

Throughout his campaign, Smyth emphasizes transparency and community engagement “It’s sugar coating crime that certain crimes are allowed and should be tolerated as a way of people surviving,” Smyth said. “And we’re a nation of laws. We’re a nation of laws, and if you start undermining that, or whittling away at them, it undermines the fabric of what this country is.” 

While acknowledging his limited visibility in traditional community boards, he asserts that effective leadership transcends boardroom politics.

 “Politics has gotten very, very toxic the way we have a conversation about it,” Smyth said. “People can disagree, you can have ideas and have different ideas, and that’s the way it should be.” 

Looking ahead, Smyth envisions a district where every child has access to quality education, families can afford to live and thrive, and communities are empowered to shape their own futures. His candidacy represents a call for inclusive leadership and pragmatic solutions to the district’s most pressing challenges. 

Dermot Smyth’s candidacy has garnered support from prominent figures, including Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, Congressman Tom Suozzi, Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi, and UFT President Michael Mulgrew. 

“Having known and worked with Dermot over many years in his role with the UFT, I have seen first-hand his ability to work with a variety of elected officials, city agencies, and community stakeholders, to make sure the issues advocated for were moved in the right direction,” Queens Borough President Donovan Richards said. “His knowledge of city government, and his vast experience working with leaders across the borough and city, make him the very best candidate to take on this role in the city council. I look forward to supporting Dermot in this race and working with him once elected.” 

Smyth aims to represent a fresh voice in local politics, grounded in a rich tapestry of personal and professional experiences. His candidacy symbolizes a blend of passion for education, advocacy for community interests, and a commitment to inclusive, sustainable growth for all residents of the district.

Politicians, Community Members Weigh in on City of Yes

Courtesy of @NYCPlanning

By Jean Brannum and Celia Bernhardt |

The City of Yes for Housing Opportunity got a marathon of a public hearing on July 10, with residents and representatives testifying to the City Planning Commission for over 12 hours.  

The third section of the Adams administration’s three-part City of Yes plan (with other proposals addressing climate and commercial businesses), City of Yes for Housing Opportunity includes a broad set of zoning and policy changes that would allow “a little more housing in every neighborhood.” 

Last week’s meeting was part of a larger public review phase for the housing proposal, where borough presidents and community boards can weigh in and suggest alterations. The next step after public review concludes is a binding vote from the City Planning Commission; following that, the City Council can vote to either approve, modify, or deny the plan. That final vote is expected to take place before the end of 2024. 

Many residents of Queens and Brooklyn expressed concerns about suburban neighborhoods losing their quiet environment. Some residents are worried that the population increase will exacerbate existing issues in the neighborhood. 

“Let us be clear about what this housing proposal does in fact represent: A little more Manhattan in every neighborhood,” said John Sheridan, a City Island resident who also said the changes would cause neighborhoods to lose their unique characteristics. 

On the flip side, many in the meeting argued that the changes are needed to create more affordable housing options. Vice President of Policy at TechNYC and former City Council member Marjorie Velasquez explained how the lack of affordable housing keeps potential talent out of the technology industries.

“Young professionals, even those with promising careers, are priced out of the market, forcing them to relocate or furlough living in New York City,” Velasquez said. “We want people building technology in New York City and build their families here.”

One of the most outspoken critics of the City of Yes was Councilmember Vicky Paladino, whose district includes College Point, Douglaston, and North Flushing. She said the city has pushed the proposed zoning changes “like a freight train” and said it would be better to have a pilot program for the changes. 

Paladino compared the process of the City of Yes to the legalization of cannabis, saying that the quick legalization process led to multiple smoke shops popping up around the city. 

Department of City Planning Director Daniel Garodnick argued with Paladino saying that 50% of the people in her district are rent-burdened, which means people pay more than 30% of their income towards housing. Paladino replied that her district is affordable due to Co-op apartments and condos. 

A map of community districts shows some neighborhoods in Paladino’s district built between 2,000 and 4,000 new buildings between 2010 and 2023. A section including the Douglaston area shows between zero and 2,000 new buildings. 

Carol Mccarthy from the Douglaston Civic Association said that only developers would benefit from the proposal and that no affordable housing would be built. Mccarthy also said that if the City of Yes passes, then Douglaston would consider seceding from New York City. 

“If passed we will be forced to consider the real possibility of secession from the city of New York,” Mccarthy said. “This can be done and it will be done if necessary. We have the means to do it”

Another disagreement ensued between Paul Graziano — an urban planner at the forefront of advocacy against the housing proposal — and the City Planning director. Graziano argued that increasing housing density would be “apocalyptic” due to the increase in number of people living in areas built for single-family homes. He also said that the population of New York City has not changed since 1960. According to city data and census data, the population of the city has increased since 1960 by about 1 million. 

Graziano’s other point was that the city already allows for more housing to be built, so there is no need to loosen restrictions more. Graziano claims the current zoning laws allow housing for up to 20 million people to be built now. 

“I am tired of listening to the propaganda from the City Planning Commission and Department of City Planning,” Graziano said. “You’ve heard the voices of the folks from outside of Manhattan, from the community boards, as well as the civic organizations. And if you persist in going forward with this, there will be consequences to this and we’ll find out what they are.”

Garodnick said that this has been brought up at other community board meetings and said it indicated a “fundamental misunderstanding of how zoning works.” 

According to Garodnick, land zones are rarely completely utilized due to existing buildings and finances among other reasons. He also said that the proposal would not eliminate single-family homes. Gardonkick used his response to also say that people should stick to the facts during the hearing. One person from the crowd told the committee to “stop lying” though it is not clear what they were referring to. 

The Department of City Planning will vote on the proposed changes in September. In the meantime, New Yorkers can make public statements at the next public hearing on July 24. 

JCAL Exhibitions at Greater Nexus Spotlights Local Artists Queens Visual Arts Consortium Launches at Greater Nexus


JCAL and GJDC are collaborating for three years to bring dynamic art exhibitions to Greater Nexus, aiming to enhance the space and inspire creative thinking. Photo courtesy of JCAL

Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning (JCAL) and the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation (GJDC) have embarked on a transformative three-year collaboration aimed at bringing dynamic art exhibitions to Greater Nexus, Jamaica’s pioneering co-working space.

“Displaying art throughout Greater Nexus enhances the atmosphere in multiple ways,”  Justin Rodgers, President and CEO of the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation said. “It beautifies the entire space, makes a welcoming, comfortable environment, and helps inspire creative thinking. Furthermore, Nexus is about providing a place for Queens minds to grow. We are thrilled to be part of JCAL’s Queens Visual Arts Consortium to showcase the talents of local artists.”

The partnership marks a departure from static displays, promising a quarterly rotation of artists, each infusing their unique themes and styles into the venue. This innovative approach not only celebrates local talent but also expands the reach of art beyond traditional gallery settings, aiming to engage a broader audience.

The partnership features quarterly artist rotations, prioritizing Queens residents and showcasing a variety of framed artworks. Photo courtesy of JCAL

“Diving into the deep JCAL talent pool was thrilling as our partnership with Greater Nexus strengthens the notion that art is a part of our daily lives,” JCAL Director of Program Operations Wendy Arimah Berot said.  “In a space where business is being conducted almost around the clock, the work of local visual artists will create an ambiance that may invite someone to pause for a moment to recognize and appreciate the talents of their fellow community members.”

The selection process prioritizes artists residing in Queens, ensuring their work resonates with the vibrant local culture. Artworks are curated to complement the professional atmosphere of Greater Nexus, predominantly consisting of framed pieces suitable for office display.

Jaime Todd, a self-taught multidisciplinary artist from Queens, kicks off the inaugural exhibit at Greater Nexus. Known for her bold abstract paintings, Todd’s work explores themes of identity and human biology, offering viewers a visual journey through intricate patterns and vibrant colors.

Jaime Todd, a local artist, launches the inaugural exhibit with abstract works celebrating life and identity. Photo courtesy of JCAL

“This collection of abstract paintings and drawings celebrate the vitality of life through pattern, bold lines, and vivid colors,” Artist Jaime Todd said. “The works come from two series: ‘Cellular Networks,’ which examines the wonder of human biology, and ‘Searching for Proginoskes,’ which explores the power of identity and bearing witness.”

The collaboration is part of the broader Queens Visual Arts Consortium, a coalition of nonprofit arts institutions and commercial enterprises dedicated to promoting local artists and enhancing community engagement through art. This initiative not only provides exposure but also economic opportunities for participating artists, including potential sales of their artwork.

“Our partnership with GJDC is truly about our community,” JCAL Executive Director Leonard Jacobs said. “There is, right now, a vast and flourishing cultural renaissance here in Queens, especially in Southeast Queens. We’re grateful for partners who see what we see, and who embrace the economic, educational, and humanitarian impact of arts as we do. After all, don’t artists always lead the way?”

For selecting artists to exhibit at JCAL, the primary focus was on Queens residents, aligning with their commitment to spotlight local talent from within New York City’s boroughs. The organization emphasizes artworks that strike a balance between neutrality and vibrancy, ensuring they complement the professional environment of our co-working space. Pieces must be framed and of moderate size, typically around 30 by 40 inches, to fit the gallery walls effectively. While the current lineup features artists with whom they have a history of collaboration or submissions, they aim to rotate through diverse talents who have showcased their work with them over the past three years.

Unlike a formal application process, they evaluate submissions received over the years—totaling approximately 2,000 artists—to curate compelling exhibitions that resonate with their diverse audience. This approach allows them to maintain a dynamic showcase of visual art while supporting local artists and providing them with exposure and potential sales opportunities through our exhibitions at JCAL.

Future exhibitions at Greater Nexus will continue to feature diverse artists from Queens, each bringing their unique perspectives and artistic visions to the forefront. The ongoing rotation ensures a dynamic and ever-evolving cultural experience for visitors and residents alike.

For more information about upcoming exhibits and the Queens Visual Arts Consortium, visit JCAL’s official website at

“Visual Arts makes a world of difference when it comes to public spaces,”  JCAL Artistic Director Courtney Ffrench said. “Color, texture, symbolism and expression, stimulates the mind and inspires creativity and revolution. The exhibitions coming to Greater Nexus are set to deliver, intentionally, a stimulating experience for all who are fortunate enough to see it.”

The Woodhaven Beat: Remembering Eleanor Errante

By Ed Wendell
Woodhaven lost a good one this week with the passing of Eleanor Errante at 103, with many of those years dedicated to the betterment of the community she called home for over 90 years. She was lively and spirited and had a wonderful smile matched by a great sense of humor. She was also a very kind, friendly woman.
If you didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Eleanor, here’s a little bit about her. She was born Eleanor Shannon to Catherine and Edward Shannon in Greenpoint, Brooklyn in 1921. After her father’s tragic passing at an early age, Eleanor’s family moved to Woodhaven.  That was in 1933 and she called us home ever since.
Her first home in Woodhaven was on 80th Street and she remembers a neighborhood that had streets that were so lined with trees that you could walk an entire block on a sunny day, and not leave the shade.
She worked for a time as a bookkeeper in a chemical company, where she met a young man named George Errante. They wanted to get married, but the outbreak of World War 2 would separate them for 36 months. Upon his return from service, George and Eleanor were married and soon had 2 children, Robert and Lorraine.
Eleanor began getting involved in our community when she volunteered and took an interest in numerous organizations that were dedicated to the interests of local children — Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, The Mother’s Club of St. Thomas the Apostle, etc.
She had been a regular member of the Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association from the beginning, and she also got involved in local politics, eventually becoming a District Leader, a position she held for decades.
And in 2011 Eleanor Errante was honored by the WRBA as Woodhaven’s Woman of the Year, an honor that was as much for her lifetime contribution to our community as it was for her current and ongoing activities.
Back in 2014, Eleanor was an outspoken critic of the city as they allowed a derelict building to shut down both our local volunteer ambulance corps and our senior center. And at the age of 93, Eleanor led a rally blasting the city for actions harmful to the seniors of our community.
Eleanor never let her age stop her and she continued to be involved well into her 90s. In fact, it took a worldwide pandemic to keep Eleanor inside for a while.
Back in May 2020, a small gathering of friends was organized by Assemblyman Mike Miller, Catholic Charities and Eleanor’s daughter, Lorraine. We donned our masks and kept our distance and stood with Eleanor outside her house to wish her a happy 99th birthday.
And before we parted ways, we all promised that we’d gather again in a year to wish her a Happy 100th Birthday.

Friends of Eleanor Errante gathered in front of her house to wish her a Happy 99th Birthday. From left to right, MaryEllen Ohea, Steve Forte’, Janet Forte’, Carmela Isabella, Josephine Wendell, Eleanor’s daughter Lorraine, Eleanor Errante (the birthday girl) and Assemblyman Mike Miller.

Remember, this was at the peak of the Covid; it seemed like we all knew so many people that had fallen to that terrible virus. And we were making this promise to a 99-year-old woman. Yet I don’t think there was one of us who doubted that she’d be there 365 days from then. And she was.
In May of 2021 Eleanor was joined by a much larger gathering of friends and family at Roma View in Howard Beach. Not only was everyone excited to be there for Eleanor’s special day, but the CDC had just released less-restrictive rules and guidelines, making everyone doubly in the mood to celebrate.

Woodhaven’s Eleanor Errante and her family at the celebration of her 100th Birthday in May 2021. A year earlier, for her 99th birthday, her friends had to gather outside, socially distanced and masked.

Eleanor was in her element, working the room and joking around with her friends and family. She was making them laugh and she even danced a little bit. I think if you live long enough to dance at your 100th birthday party surrounded by the people you love, you’ve had one hell of a successful life.
Eleanor Errante was a big part of what made our neighborhood great for nearly a century and she will be missed. She has earned this rest, and we pray that it is a peaceful one.

Eagle Academy in Queens Receives $10,000 Grant for Music Education

Courtesy Eagles Academy
Eagle Academy for Young Men in St. Albans, Queens, has received a $10,000 grant through AXS TV’s Band Together For Music Education initiative, presented during their spring recital and graduation ceremony.


Eagle Academy for Young Men, located in St. Albans, Queens has been named a recipient of a $10,000 grant through AXS TV’s Band Together For Music Education initiative, a joint effort by AXS TV and Spectrum aimed at bolstering music education in public schools nationwide.

The presentation took place during the school’s annual spring recital at the end of June, coinciding with the graduation ceremony where 40 students received their diplomas. Spectrum’s Director of Government and Community Strategy Jonelle Johnson and AXS TV’s Gyneen Meyers handed over the award. The event featured speeches from Eagle Academy Principal Dr. Christopher Smith and Assistant Principal Dawn Story Rodgers.

“With gratitude and determination, on behalf of Eagle Academy for Young Men of Southeast Queens we accept AXS TV’s generous grant to amplify music and education in our school,” Principal, Dr. Christopher R. Smith said. “This partnership will harmonize creativity and knowledge, nurturing the next generation of innovators and artists. By supporting music and arts education we ensure that young minds are equipped with the tools to innovate, communicate and effectively enrich lives through the power of creativity.”

Eagle Academy is one of five schools selected for the grant this spring, reflecting AXS TV’s commitment to supporting exemplary music programs that often face funding challenges in public education.

“Our continued partnership with AXS TV supports a new round of grants boosting fundamental music and arts education,” said Camille Joseph-Goldman, Group Vice President, State Government Affairs at Spectrum. “It’s important for us to continue investing in initiatives that benefit the communities we serve. ‘Band Together’ does this by providing much-needed funding to music programs so students can access the instruments, instruction and equipment they need to appreciate music.”

David C. Banks, New York City Schools Chancellor and keynote speaker at the ceremony, emphasized the critical role of music education in developing young leaders.

In addition to Eagle Academy, Spectrum has previously presented grants to other deserving programs including Heart of LA – HOLA in Los Angeles, CA; Harvey Rice Wraparound School in Cleveland, OH; Deep Springs Elementary in Lexington, KY; and London Elementary in Corpus Christi, TX.

AXS TV, owned by Anthem Sports & Entertainment, Inc., is a leading television, streaming, digital, and social music and entertainment brand. Its programming celebrates music’s rich history and keeps its audience informed about current music trends through various platforms.

Spectrum, a service offered by Charter Communications, Inc., provides advanced communications services including internet, TV, mobile, and voice across the United States.

For more information about AXS TV’s Band Together For Music Education initiative and Spectrum’s involvement, visit


The Woodhaven Beat: 102 Pct Officer Emilia Rennhack Killed by Drunk Driver

By Ed Wendell

Police Officer Emilia Rennhack of the 102nd Precinct. She had recently wed a fellow officer at the 102, Detective Carl Rennhack. “Officer Rennhack had such a bright future ahead of her, and all of New York City mourns her passing,” Councilwoman Joann Ariola said in a statement to the Leader-Observer.

When we first heard the news about what happened at Hawaii Nail & Spa Friday evening, it was a tragedy, one of many that we see on the news every day. Four people were killed, and nearly a dozen injured, when a drunk driver tore through the front of the salon in Deer Park.
But on Saturday morning, as more details emerged about the victims, word began to spread about the identity of one of the victims, Police Officer Emilia Rennhack of the 102nd Precinct. Rennhack was just 30 years old; she had been a member of the NYPD for 6 years and she was married to a fellow officer, Det. Carl Rennhack, also of the 102nd Precinct.
This is a terrible tragedy, one that has struck the members of our precinct, and the residents of Woodhaven are mourning alongside them.
“What happened with Officer Rennhack is an absolute tragedy,” said Councilwoman Joann Ariola. “A beautiful young woman, getting her nails done for a wedding, suddenly had her life cut short by the irresponsible actions of a drunk driver. Officer Rennhack had such a bright future ahead of her, and all of New York City mourns her passing.”
“The Woodhaven Residents Block Association sends its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and the 102 Precinct,” said WRBA President Martin Colberg. “Officer Emilia Rennhack will always be remembered as a protector of our community.”
“We are very saddened to learn about the loss of Officer Emilia Rennhack. She will always be remembered as a hero to our community,” said Sherry Algredo, Chair of Community Board 9. “We mourn with her family and friends and the 102nd Precinct. We are truly saddened to have lost one of our angels to this community.”
The 102nd Precinct released a statement on the horrible news that has hit two members of their family. “Officer Rennhack dedicated her life to serving and protecting our community with bravery, compassion, and unwavering commitment. Her sacrifice and dedication will never be forgotten,” they said on Facebook.
“Emilia immigrated from Poland at the age of 12. She followed her dream of being a police officer. In 2018 Emilia graduated from the police academy, receiving the physical fitness award. In 2021 Emilia joined the 102nd Precinct Domestic Violence unit where she made a positive impact on families in need of support within the community.”
“In her 6 years as a police officer she amassed more than 150 arrests. She was looked up to by members of the community and her fellow brothers and sisters of the 102 Precinct.”

Police Officer Emilia Rennhack of the 102nd Precinct and her husband, Detective Carl Rennhack, also of the 102nd Precinct. “Both Emilia and Carl were part of our family,” The Detective Brian Simonsen Foundation, named for the detective from the 102nd Precinct who was killed in 2018, said in a statement.

The Detective Brian Simonsen Foundation, named for the detective from the 102nd Precinct who was killed in 2018, said that they were “beyond devastated to learn about the tragic passing of Emilia Rennhack.”
“Emilia was assigned to Brian’s 102 Precinct and married to 102 Squad Det. Carl Rennhack. The two were just married on September 7, 2023. Both Emilia and Carl were part of our family.”
You can tell by reading these comments that our friends at the 102 are hurting, not only for the loss that they feel, but for the loss that Det. Carl Rennhack is feeling. And there’s no words that can soothe that kind of pain. It is a terrible loss to our precinct, our community and our city and we are so sorry they are going through this right now.
As for the drunk driver, he should never see the light of day again. This was no accident. The drunk driver admitted to having consumed 18 beers in the time leading up to him slamming through the front of the salon. A man who does that does not care about whose lives he destroys.
He should spend the rest of his life behind bars, and he should be reminded daily about the 4 lives that he stole – Emilia Rennhack, Jiancai “Ken” Chen, Yan Xu, and Meizi Zhang.
And here, in Woodhaven, we will mourn alongside our friends at the 102nd Precinct. A month from now, Tuesday, August 6th, residents will gather in Victory Field for the annual National Night Out, sponsored by the 102nd Precinct and the 102 Precinct Community Council. It will be held on the softball fields which will soon be renamed in honor of Detective Brian Simonsen.
The spirit of Police Officer Emilia Rennhack will be a strong presence in the hearts and minds of everyone that night – from our officers at the 102nd Precinct to the community members that they serve and protect. There’s only way we can move on after a tragedy like this – together.

New Library Opens at Samaritan Daytop Village Shelter in Queens


Samaritan Daytop Village, in collaboration with United Way and NYC Department for Social Services, launched ‘The Bookmark,’ a new library at Boulevard family shelter in Queens on May 29. Courtesy of Anat Gerstein, Inc.

A new chapter in literacy and community support unfolded on May 29 as Samaritan Daytop Village, in collaboration with United Way and the New York City Department for Social Services, unveiled ‘The Bookmark,’ a vibrant library nestled within the Boulevard family shelter in Queens.

Designed to serve 199 families residing at the shelter, The Bookmark offers an array of literary resources aimed at enriching the lives of children and parents alike. From a diverse collection of children’s books to designated reading spaces and computer terminals for older youth and adults, the facility promises to be a sanctuary of learning and relaxation.

The facility, serving 199 families, offers books, reading spaces, and computers. Courtesy of Anat Gerstein, Inc.

The grand opening ceremony witnessed a heartwarming moment as DSS Administrator Carter, Samaritan CEO Mitchell Netburn, and United Way CEO Grace Bonilla came together to read the beloved children’s book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” to the shelter’s young residents.

The creation of this haven for literature owes its existence to a $10,000 grant from United Way of New York City, part of a broader initiative aimed at enhancing access to books and literacy-based activities in underserved communities. In line with this vision, The Bookmark represents a cornerstone of a larger endeavor to ensure that every child in shelter environments has access to the resources necessary for their educational and personal development.

“We are grateful to partner with trusted organizations to advance education equity and empower all children and adults with increased access to the world of literature and books,” Grace Bonilla, President & CEO at United Way of New York City said. “These community libraries are foundational for ensuring that all New Yorkers can thrive as the libraries are planting seeds for future economic mobility.”

In a statement, Mitchell Netburn, CEO of Samaritan Daytop Village, expressed gratitude for the collaborative effort that brought The Bookmark to fruition, emphasizing its significance in promoting academic advancement and fostering social and emotional well-being among shelter residents. Netburn underscored the library’s role as a model for similar initiatives across New York City, thanking United Way for their generosity and support.

“Thanks to the generosity of United Way and the partnership with the New York City Department of Homeless Services, our families have a space where children and their parents can spend quiet time, research, read, and engage in activities,” Netburn said. “This new library adds to our Afterschool Zone initiative at the Boulevard shelter, which gives children a leg up academically, promotes intellectual learning, and expands their social and emotional learning opportunities.  Together, this library and the Afterschool Zone serve as a model for other family residences in New York City. We are grateful to United Way for making this possible.”

United Way’s $10,000 grant funded the project, aiming to enhance literacy in marginalized communities. Courtesy of Anat Gerstein, Inc.

Similarly, Joslyn Carter, DHS Administrator, highlighted the transformative power of reading, describing it as a conduit to imagination and relaxation. Carter commended United Way of New York City for their contribution, recognizing The Bookmark as a vital resource for children and families seeking solace and inspiration during challenging times.

“Reading is fundamental. Reading is one of things that can take you to a place of fantasy, where you can just relax and hear stories,” Carter said. “That’s the opportunity that we need to give to children and families, and here it is, the chance to do just that in this beautiful space. As soon as I walked through this door, my spirits were lifted. We could not have done this without the generosity of the United Way of New York City – thank you.”

Leaders praised the initiative’s potential to support educational and emotional well-being in shelter residents. Courtesy of Anat Gerstein, Inc.

The unveiling of The Bookmark marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to provide holistic support to families experiencing homelessness, reflecting a shared commitment to nurturing a culture of learning and resilience within communities across the city.

The Woodhaven Beat: Patriotism in Woodhaven

By Ed Wendell

There were quite a few good signs of patriotism around Woodhaven over the past few days, providing much-needed hope and encouragement in these divisive times.

Let’s start with something that happened last week at the Memorial to local soldiers from World War 2, which has sat at Forest Parkway and Jamaica Avenue for nearly 70 years. The flagpole’s pulley was broken; the flag was hanging from just one grommet, and it could not be raised or lowered anymore.
American Legion Post 118 attempted to fix it but it was apparent they needed outside help. In stepped the L.S. Sign Company in Ridgewood, whose owner Bernard Giarraputo is the son of a World War 2 Navy Vet.
They came with their truck to Woodhaven, fixed the pulley and raised the flag, free of charge. It was a wonderful act of generosity and patriotism and our community is grateful for their help and friendship.
Now, when American Legion Post 118 holds their annual Memorial Day Observance at Forest Parkway this Thursday May 23rd at 6:30 p.m., the American flag will be flying properly. We hope you will be there to see it.

The team from L.S. Sign Company in Ridgewood, who responded to a call for help from American Legion Post 118 and repaired the flagpole and pulley, free of charge, in time for the annual observance of memorial Day at Forest Parkway, which this year will happen on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

One day after the flagpole was fixed, residents gathered in Forest Park, to decorate the Memorial Trees, which were planted in the aftermath of World War 1 in memory of the many young men lost in that brutal war.
Week after week, residents of Woodhaven nervously looked to the front page of the Leader-Observer to see, under the headline of Taps, the latest names of the dead. In all, 70 young men from Woodhaven left home to fight over there, never to return.
It was decided to plant oak trees in their names, along Forest Park Drive across from the old Golf Clubhouse (now known as Oak Ridge). And families would decorate the tree that was dedicated to their loved one each Decoration Day (as Memorial Day was formerly called). And for years, Woodhaven’s Memorial Day parade ended in Forest Park, amongst the Memorial Trees.
Over time, the tradition faded away and was largely forgotten. But in 2015, the tradition was revived and every year since then, residents have gathered in the park to decorate the trees that remain. It’s a good feeling, decorating the very same trees that residents from Woodhaven decorated over 100 years ago, linking two eras of our community together in a very special way.
And this year we were pleasantly surprised to see more than a dozen young oaks planted in place of those oaks who had been felled by time. Those new oaks have been adopted into the Memorial Tree Family and we hope the tradition of decorating them will continue for many more years to come.

Residents from Woodhaven who came out to decorate the Memorial Trees in Forest Park, a local tradition that dates back over 100 years. The oak trees along Forest Park Drive were planted in the aftermath of World War 1 to commemorate the lives of local men who went off to fight and never came home.

And the very next day, another long standing Woodhaven tradition made its annual return. American Legion Post 118’s Garden of Remembrance was again erected in their headquarters’ front yard on 89th Avenue and 91st Street.
Erected with fine precision by Franklin K. Lane’s Junior ROTC, led by Master Sergeant Eddie Carr, the Garden is a ‘cemetery in miniature’ as it used to be called when it started, sometime just after World War 2.
The post’s front yard is blanketed with markers commemorating not only those who were lost in battle, but also those who were members of the post and who are sadly no longer with us.
It will be in front of this beautiful tribute that American Legion Post 118 will observe Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th at 11 a.m. Afterwards, everyone is invited inside for refreshments and, again, we hope you will join us.

Members of Franklin K. Lane’s Junior ROTC, led by Master Sergeant Eddie Carr, erecting American Legion Post 118s Garden of Remembrance, a tribute to those who are no longer with us. It will be in front of this beautiful tribute that American Legion Post 118 will observe Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th at 11 a.m. Afterwards, everyone is invited inside for refreshments.

These are the traditions that unite us and bring us together, something sorely needed during a time when more and more people feel divided and apart from one another. It is a time when we come together to pledge our unity, not only to our flag and country, but also to each other.
It is a time where we need to embody the old saying “I may disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it” instead of declaring others to be your enemy because they disagree.
It is a time where we stand in front of a monument with the names of those who gave their lives in order for us to live freely in this great country we live in. Let us not have their sacrifices be in vain.

Honoring Our Veterans with a Woodhaven Memorial Day Tradition

by Ed Wendell

Just over one hundred years ago, a beautiful tradition was launched in Forest Park, the creation of a living, breathing memorial to 70 young men from Woodhaven who lost their lives in World War 1.
Although our country’s time in the war was brief, we suffered many casualties and Woodhaven was hit very hard. Week after week, the front page of the Leader-Observer announced the names of the newly dead and wounded.
It was a dramatic turnaround from the early days of our involvement in the war when the newspapers and the public were quite enthusiastic, seeing our young men off with rousing cheers and festive parades.
In the days and months after the war ended, residents of Woodhaven wanted to create a unique monument to the young men whose lives were lost. The idea they finally settled upon was original indeed, and the press stated that it was the first of its kind in the United States.
In May of 1919, fifty-three trees were planted along the road entering Forest Park at Park Lane South and Forest Parkway, each in the name of a soldier that perished. Over time, as more names were added to the Honor Roll, the number of trees grew to approximately 70.
And every Decoration Day (as Memorial Day was originally known) families would gather in Forest Park and decorate the memorial trees. A large granite monument with a plaque listing the names of the dead was erected atop that hill, across from the golf clubhouse.
The residents of Woodhaven referred to that hill as Memorial Knoll and the annual parade would end there, amongst the memorial trees.
Chairs would be set out on the lawn in front of the clubhouse and hundreds and hundreds of veterans, family members and residents would march up that hill to pay tribute to the dead. According to reports in the Leader, veterans from the Civil War marched up that hill and took part in ceremonies there.
It was a beautiful tradition that faded away due to a series of events triggered by the widening of Woodhaven Boulevard in the late 30s or early 1940s.
You see, the old American Legion headquarters sat on the old Woodhaven Avenue and it had to be torn down to make way for the 10-lane Woodhaven Boulevard.
The city reimbursed the Legion and they built a new headquarters at 88th Avenue and 91st Street, behind PS 60, where it sits today.
And since they had a nice new building with a lovely front yard, they decided to move the monument from Forest Park to its current location. If you’ve ever been to a WRBA meeting or at the Senior Center, then you’ve seen this monument. It’s still there, listing the names of these young heroes.
But once the monument was moved, the parade route was switched and as families moved away or died off or just plain forgot, the tradition of decorating the trees disappeared.
But the trees are still there.
Sure enough, time has been harsh to the trees and many of them have fallen. But quite a few of these trees have passed the century mark; they still stand proudly on Memorial Knoll, high above Woodhaven.
The Woodhaven Cultural & Historical Society and American Legion Post 118 worked together to revive the tradition of decorating the trees in 2015. And they have been decorated every Memorial Day since then.
This year’s Memorial Tree Decorating is tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 17th at 6 p.m., we will be meeting right outside Oak Ridge (weather permitting). E-mail us at if you’d like to participate.

A Beacon of Hope for Veterans Battling Addiction


Mohamed Farghaly

Samaritan Daytop Village’s Ed Thompson Veterans Program stands as a beacon of hope for veterans battling addiction and grappling with the aftermath of war.


In a quiet corner of Queens, lies a haven dedicated to healing the wounds of war that linger long after the battlefield fades from view. Samaritan Daytop Village, Ed Thompson Veterans Program located at 130-15 89th Rd, in Richmond Hill stands as a beacon of hope for military veterans grappling with the harrowing effects of drug and alcohol dependency, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other life challenges.

The organization is nationally recognized for its pioneering efforts in providing specialized treatment tailored to the unique needs of male veterans. Offering residential addiction treatment, Samaritan Daytop Village understands the profound bond shared among military comrades and leverages this camaraderie to facilitate recovery.

“Most of what we do here is based around community activity,” Roger D Walker, Program Director of Ed Thompson Veteran Program said. “We believe that community is the antidote to a lot of ailments, folks involved together, so everything we do is around that thing.”

Mohamed Farghaly

Located in Queens, New York, this haven offers specialized treatment tailored to the unique needs of male and female veterans, including mental health counseling and equine therapy.

At the heart of Samaritan Daytop Village’s approach is a commitment to evidence-based treatment grounded in the Sanctuary Model. This therapeutic philosophy acknowledges the prevalence of trauma and its profound impact on all facets of human existence. Emphasizing principles such as safety, respect, empowerment, and mutual self-help, the program fosters an environment conducive to healing and growth.

“Stabilization is a big part of what we do,” Deirdre Rice-Reese, Assistant Vice President of Residential Treatment said. “We make available medication that a person may need to help quell those urges and cravings for substances. We’ve developed a change team to monitor progress over time in specific areas like increasing retention.”

One of the hallmarks of Samaritan Daytop Village’s approach is its focus on community-based interventions. Recognizing that isolation can exacerbate the challenges faced by veterans, the organization strives to create a supportive network where individuals can draw strength from one another. From communal gatherings to leisure activities, every aspect of the program is designed to nurture a sense of self and camaraderie.

“Once they have dinner, there’s a house meeting at six o’clock, then general cleanup, just to get the kitchen and stuff clear,” Walker said. “Then at downtime, watch TV, hang out, go in the backyard.”

The residential facilities at Samaritan Daytop Village provide a structured yet nurturing environment where veterans can embark on their journey of recovery. Each day begins with morning meetings and group sessions aimed at fostering a sense of solidarity and shared purpose. Throughout the day, residents engage in a variety of therapeutic activities, from equine therapy to recreational sports, aimed at promoting physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

“Therapeutic recreation dosing is critical,” Walker said. “They are a very competitive group of veterans. They are often playing intramural basketball against some of the others.”

Central to the program’s success is its holistic approach to treatment, which encompasses not only addiction recovery but also mental health support and medical care. A team of dedicated professionals, including nurses and case managers, ensures that residents receive comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs. From medication management to access to on-site medical clinics, every effort is made to support veterans on their path to recovery.

Beyond its residential facilities, Samaritan Daytop Village extends its services into the community, providing support to veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Through partnerships with VA hospitals, treatment courts, and other agencies, the organization ensures that veterans receive the care and assistance they need to rebuild their lives.

“We serve whoever has served, it’s not characterized by your discharge status which is helpful,” Rice-Reese said. “A lot of our discipline veterans are discharged in the military for alcohol and substance use disorders or mental health disorders which is not fair to them.”

 Trevor Badel, a former Army serviceman, has found refuge and support at Samaritan Daytop Village. Having spent three years in the program, Badel emphasizes its vital role as a lifeline for veterans in need. Recognizing the scarcity of veteran-centric programs, Badel sought help at Samaritan Daytop Village, where he found a comprehensive array of services, including mental health counseling and equine therapy sessions.

Mohamed Farghaly

With a commitment to evidence-based treatment and community-based interventions, Samaritan Daytop Village fosters an environment of healing, camaraderie, and growth.

“I just needed help at the time because I served in the Army, this place serves veterans,” Badel said. “I believe there wasn’t any other veterans program other than this one.”

For Badel, this program isn’t just a place of refuge; it’s a community of support and understanding that has provided him with the tools to navigate life’s challenges and envision a brighter future.

As Memorial Day approaches, Samaritan Daytop Village remains steadfast in its commitment to honoring the sacrifices made by those who have served their country. From participating in Veterans Day parades to hosting events for Veterans Treatment Courts, the organization continues to advocate for the well-being of veterans both within its walls and beyond.

Looking ahead, Samaritan Daytop Village is dedicated to its mission of serving those who have served their country. With upcoming initiatives ranging from therapeutic trips to West Point to community outreach events, the organization continues to be a beacon of hope for veterans in need of support. For those who have served their country with honor, it offers not just treatment but a path to healing, dignity, and hope.

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